Above: Golden Guardian, a superhero Jeff and I created for an RPG submission we sent to Steve Jackson Games.

Above - I don't know. This is a character I'm not familiar with, that Jeff created for a CHAMPIONS RPG he was at one time refereeing in NJ. This character is drawn on what Jeff called a 'common form', one of several generic poses he created to fill in with costumes and character details of his own design.

Above is Starling, one of my favorite original Jeff Webb characters. Starling was half of a two person superhero team/couple; her partner, Voltaic, I do not currently have a picture of in electronic form. Starling's original name was 'Darknight'; for reasons that should be obvious to any superhero fan, Jeff decided he needed to change that name in the early 80s. I actually suggested 'Starling', as the character has 'the powers of a living star'.

Silverhawk. Cool looking, ain't she? I don't know much more about her.

A scene Jeff drew for his submission to Steve Jackson Games, drawn from our notorious "Adventures of Father O'Branningan" round robin.

Another character from that superhero RPG we submitted to Steve Jackson Games: Night Hunter.

Nightfall. Another Jeff character I don't know much about.

Megavolt -- one third of the Brothers of the Atom, perhaps my favorite original Jeff Webb concept.

Lazarus, a character from Jeff's long running fantasy RPG.

Some player character from Jeff's fantasy RPG -- Jeff was probably unaware of it, but the face is very similar to Jeff's own.

Bronto -- another third of the Brothers of the Atom, oldest and natural leader of the team.

Blue Demon -- in Jeff's original concept, created when Jeff was maybe 11, the last Brother of the Atom was named Man o'War, and he was basically Reed Richards wearing a helmet that looked like a sputnik. Jeff later realized he couldn't use such a derivative character in a team that already had so many resemblances to Marvel's Fantastic Four, so the two of us designed a replacement for Man o'War named Blue Demon -- a superhumanly fast, strong, agile hand to hand fighter. Along with his brothers Bronto and Megavolt, he fills out a pretty well designed three person team of balance.

A never used cover for Jeff's webzine, Major Attitude Adjustment's War Journal. I published this posthumously for Jeff in the Amateur Press Alliance that he and I were both members of, LEGENDS.

Baron Bunny, an evil funny animal from one of Jeff's RPGs.

The Blue Bat, another superhero from that RPG we created for Steve Jackson Games.

Mirror's End -- much of Jeff's artwork and creative concepts were drawn from the lyrics to Blue Oyster Cult songs. Like all us BOC fans, Jeff frequently misheard their lyrics; as it turns out, the lyric Jeff thought he heard in the song "Astronomy" does not actually say "Mirror's End", but, rather, the more mundane phrase "mirrors it". However, Jeff created an entire cosmogony around the phrase Mirror's End, and later did this wonderfully evocative drawing to show what he thought "Mirror's End" would look like.

A small section of Jeff's poster size drawing of PALADINE FORCE, a Jeff Webb original legion of super-chicks type concept about which I know very little, other than what can be intuited from the artwork. If I get a chance, I'll try to scan the rest of the poster to put up here, as well.
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